The story that unfolds in the pages of this book is a legend that will captivate the reader from the start. This entertaining and educational chronicle explores the futility of material possessions and the importance of human values. A mysterious event converts weakling Kostia, the main character of the story, into an energetic young man with the strength of a tree. However, what seems at first like a great stroke of luck turns out to have a very high price, and for this reason he can never spend more than three days with the people he encounters during his travels. If you concentrate on what you have, youll always be happy, Kostia often says to himself to alleviate his sadness before continuing his voyage and leaving behind the people and things he has grown fond of.
This wonderful legend teaches readers about love, about giving your life for others, and about the importance of enjoying what you have and making the best of life by living it to its fullest.